Posted on February 6, 2020 by Alex Tostado in Development, Florida, Multifamily, Southeast, RE Business Online

ORLANDO, FLA. — DIX Developments LLC has unveiled plans to develop Vive on Eola, a 12-story residential building that will feature 120 micro units averaging 400 square feet. The development, estimated at $32 million, will welcome its first residents in early 2022. Vive on Eola’s floor plans will be similar to a studio apartment and monthly rental rates are projected to start at $1,250. The tower will have a ground-level signature restaurant, coffee shop, three floors of parking and as much as 13,500 square feet of coworking space. The site is at the corner of South Eola Drive and Church Street, which currently has a 9,000-square-foot office building that will be operational with month-to-month and other short-term leasing while DIX Developments awaits a demolition permit and other governmental approvals. Once the existing building is taken down, construction of Vive on Eola is expected to take eight to 12 months.